Decision Making
We believe the work of the church is God’s work. All active participants in the congregation participate in its decision making process, working to keep the congregation attuned to God’s leading, trying to discern God’s will at each step. We do this by deliberately shedding personal desires, listening to and discovering the wisdom in the gathered community, exploring potentials and striving for consensus about a way forward. Along the way we remain attentive for signs of God’s approval – consolation or desolation. A congregation moderator oversees the process. The moderator leads quarterly congregational meetings by organizing an agenda with committees and individuals. The moderator also ensures that the Shalom Decision-Making Model is used in the discussion and decision making process. Moderators serve one-year terms. Membership in Shalom Community Church is for those who wish to formally identify with this congregation. It does not confer any special privileges. All who attend Shalom may participate in congregational meetings. |