Candidate Sermon
This is the audio from the sermon Jo Hatlem preached in candidacy for Shalom’s pastor.
Traditions of Celebration
Scripture Reading and Reflections – Max Eckard As we planned today’s service, Trevor and I thought that the model Jodie and Nelson offered last week of diving into the lectionary text with scripture readings, reflections, and a message seemed to work relatively well, and so we’re repeating it today. I’ll Read more…
Love Shack, Baby.
I’ve always known that that song by the B’52’s was a good song. I knew it the first time I heard it walking around the dorms at college. I knew it, but I didn’t really like it. It was 1989, I was 21, and leaning in hard to being as Read more…
Procedures around sexual abuse in the congregation.
Shalom is currently developing a more detailed list of procedures for responding to reports of abuse. We recognize that the local church is not competent to adjudicate reports of abuse. These accountability structures are in place at Shalom : The pastors are charged with pastoral care, and this includes hearing Read more…
Art as the Cultivation of Your Own Story
Good morning! Today, I’d like to talk about “Cultivating Art and Discovering Your Own Story.” If we’re Facebook friends, you probably know that I’m an artist as well as a writer. So, in addition to writing memoirs and short stories, I do all sorts of art: painting, collages, art boxes Read more…
A Reparative Act
(Note: The audio version of this sermon includes sharing from the Dear White Christians book group: Ruth Shantz, Shelly Weaverdyck, Max Eckard, Laura Brubacher and Terri Friedline). There are many beginnings to this sermon, but no endings. Perhaps much of the Christian life is like this. We come into our Read more…
Camels at Epiphany
I’ve mentioned before that one of the things that gives me hope for the new year is the election of Eli Savit as Washtenaw County Prosecutor. I enjoyed spending some time yesterday afternoon watching Eli and his Chief Assistant Prosecutor, Victoria Burton-Harris, being sworn in and attending a reception celebrating Read more…
Sheep and Goats
There is an old story about a long one lane road. An Amish farmer and his friend were driving their horse and buggy along the road when they met a car driven by a cantankerous English man. The English man got out of his car and yelled at the Amish Read more…