A. Statement of Shalom’s Identity and Core Values

Published by Trevor Bechtel on

Shalom Community Church pursues a vision of shalom in the world. We are committed to peace, justice, service, spirituality, community and simplicity. Singly and together we strive to discern the Spirit’s leading. Following the ways of Jesus in the tradition of the Anabaptists, we are theologically diverse and encounter the sacred in many forms. We value the creative tension and the strength that result from sharing differences in beliefs within the community. We are affiliated with both the Mennonite Church USA and the Church of the Brethren.

In addition to the values listed in the identity statement, we also value:

  • Conceptualizing the role of church as a school of love.
  • Revelation and connection in creation.  
  • The creative tension and the strength that result from sharing differences in beliefs within the community.        
  • Loving community supporting each other.                     
  • Authentic sharing of the human experience including both joys and sorrows                  
  • Singing and music
  • Creativity, art, and beauty
  • Youth and children
  • Stewardship of financial and the earth’s resources
  • Thought-provoking and engaging teaching and discussion
  • Full-inclusion in the life of the church regardless of sexual identity, gender, race, ethnicity, ability, class, politics, or criminal history
  • Inclusive language
  • Transparent non-hierarchical structures
  • Decision-making processes that incorporate the voices of all
  • Hospitality and inclusivity
  • Not taking ourselves too seriously                                            
Categories: Statements


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